Wellness Acclimatization Valley (WAV)

Wellness Acclimatization Valley (WAV) is the social health institution setup to promote and practice self-cure of Mind & Body through alternative healing methods. Our main objective is to provide long term relief to every common man from the physical as well emotional issues caused by the day to day mechanical life style.

Our life is like a roller coaster. It’s neither a straight path nor a linear experience. You can’t solve the non-linear issues with a linear process. You can enjoy the journey of life, only if you have right balance between all the Wheels of Wellness (WoW). These wellness wheels are Upbringing (Raising our kids with right values), Relationships (Ever growing healthy contacts), Health (Physical & Emotional wellbeing), Wealth (Ecological Income & Optimised Investments), Career (Growth & Satisfaction) & Self (Worthiness & Happiness).

All of us are going through either one or multiple lifestyle issues since the beginning of the industrialisation in our society. These lifestyle imbalances cause misalignment to our biological body clock and manifests into serious physical illness. Latest research has found that more than 80% of the physical illness/ diseases are caused by our psychological/ thinking & Emotional imbalances. Hence these are described as Psycho Somatic and ill treatment of them convert them into Auto Immune diseases.

Psychosomatic/ Auto Immune issues require you to do more than just taking any medicine/ chemical pill or syrup, if you are interested in a long term solution. WAV techniques are designed in such way that you can reprogram your mind to look at life differently and recharge your body to be able to become naturally strong & energised to allay any diseases and become self-reliant for happiness in your life.

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